
Some Changes in Your Body During Pregnancy – Episode 83

This episode goes back to our primal beginnings and discusses pregnancy and some of the lesser known facts about this time in your life!

You might have hard about some of these shocking and intriguing bodily changes, but did you now why they occur? Listen in to find out!

We’ll talk about:

  • The only organ humans have that they aren’t born with
  • Your increase in blood supply
  • Why your feet might grow an entire shoe size
  • How hard your uterus really does work
  • Why you might be constipated

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A Few Things You Didn’t Know About His Penis! – Episode 82

Surprise, surprise! An episode about male body parts!

We’ve talked about our fair share of female body parts and so I wanted to dedicate some time to a body part that so many of us know and love… The male penis!

I found a fun article online detailing a few little know facts and a few more well-known ones about those dicks!

Check out this episode for a frisky and fun discussion on the wangs!

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15 Issues that Women (But Not Men) Have to Think About: A Text-Only Post Today

Hello All!

First off, I’d like to apologize for not posting yesterday and for offering a text-only post today.

My biggest reason is that the 2 upcoming episodes deal with heaver subject matter and I wanted to spend some time researching to do them justice. This episodes are:

  • Your Sexual History: How Negative Sexual Experiences Shape You – Episode 73
  • Your Sexual History: How Negative Relationship Experiences Shape You – Episode 74

A second reason is that we’ve have some power outages due to winter weather, and we’re still trying to catch up around here. :)

Today I wanted to offer you an article that I found interesting and largely true. It’s called 15 Issues Women Deal With Daily That Men Might Not Know About, by Vicki Santillano.

I encourage you to check out the article and send me your feedback. What do you agree or disagree with?

I found most of the main points interesting… Except a few. Numbers 3 and 12 I find to be a bit ridiculous. I don’t see how they are really on the same scale as number 2, “Having to Think About Your Safety All the Time.” Do you?

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The Skin You’re In: Epidermis Forever! – Episode 65

So many women have issues with their skin. We think it is either too dry, too oily, too wrinkly, too saggy, too cellulitey, too pale, too dark, to veiny, too hairy, too pimply, or too generally imperfect. Well, think again!

Your skin does so much behind-the-scenes work for your body, and you never even know the half of it! We should be celebrating our skin, not wishing it was different. Spend some naked time with yourself and get a closer look at the amazing skin you’re in!

For example, did you know that:

  • Your skin is acidic to help fight off pathogens (like your vagina!)
  • There is an anatomical reason why women have cellulite
  • Butt acne isn’t really such a big deal

Your skin shows you what is really going on in your inside body. Do you need more water or a healthier diet? Your skin will let you know, as long as you listen!

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What Do You Use This For?: Anatomy of the Boob – Episode 64

What’s the deal with your boobs?

Why are they there, hanging out and doing what they do?

Your breasts change a lot over the course of your life, based on your hormones levels and other factors. It’s normal for boobs to begin to sag over time, and usually one of them is bigger than the other. Often, much bigger! All of this is a normal part of having boobs. Check out this episode for the science behind your boobs!

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Naked Pictures: The Beauty of the Boudoir Shot – Episode 61

This episode talks all about the reasons why I say “Go for it!” when it comes to posing in the nude or for a boudoir photo shoot! Don’t tell me you’ve never thought about it… You know you have!

The unexpected thing about posing for these photo shoots is that the experience can be empowering for you if you enter into the occasion feeling ready and comfortable! Here are some reason why…

  • You’ve gained/got enough confidence that you can face the photographer in naught but your skin or skivvies (and choosing a photographer your trust or know is key!).
  • Acting sexy for the photo shoot = Feeling sexy = Acting sexy. It’s a big cycle that feeds on itself and leaves you feeling beautiful (with photos to prove it afterwards!).
  • The photos document your body at a specific moment in time (i.e. before a big life/body change like having a baby or growing older).
  • You remind/allow yourself to become the beauty standard in your home… You’re a pin up now, of course!

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Why Your Sons Should See You Naked – Episode 51

This Episode discusses an article written by Rita Templeton, called Why I Want My Sons to See Me Naked.

In this article, Rita explains why allowing her four young sons to see her naked is important to her. She talks about how she is glad to be the first female body that they see so that they can growing up knowing how women are really supposed to look (i.e. imperfect and lovely, not airbrushed).

Her thoughts express something that is really important in our world today… Teaching both sons and daughters to respect and admire naked bodies of all varieties, without judgement.

Check out today’s episode for the discussion!

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Breast Lumps and Beyond! – Episode 48

This episode tells a personal story about finding a lump in my breast and the procedure and decisions that followed. Not only do I speak about this experience, but I share some interesting facts about breast lumps and the possible things that could be going on inside your boobs. I’m not a medical doctor, of course, but after hearing and reading the thoughts of doctors, I’ve been able to compile some important information here about your breast health and the possibilities.

Whether it’s a cyst, a fibroadenoma, or traumatic fat necrosis (it is much more likely to be one of these instead of cancer), it’s important to know the warning signs, potential causes, and what options you have. Bottom line: do what feels the best for you… Research it, get checked up, and decide which procedures are the best for you!

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About Your Woman’s Body: The Clitoris in All Its Glory! – Episode 47

This episode is the third in a series focusing on the ins and outs and the biology of women’s bodies, right down to the most basic, scientific level. This episode shares with you much of the awesome information in chapter four of  Woman: An Intimate Geography – a fabulous and scientific book about what it means to be a woman and/or a female by Natalie Angier. I’ve recently reread this book because it is fantastic! Her fourth chapter focuses on your fickle and fantastic clitoris! For example, did you know that:

  • Your clitoris has twice as many nerve endings (8,000) as a man’s penis?
  • The average length of a clitoris is 16mm long (the width of a dime)?
  • The clitoris is not sensitive to estrogen ebb and flow, and thus will not really change and leave you as you reach menopause like your vulva might?
  • Technically, there is no practical use for the clitoris (or is there…)?

Learn all this and more in this episode, where we check out more about our orgasm-bosom-buddy!

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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Vaginas and Cervixes – Episode 46

This episode has even more information about vaginas and your nether regions than you ever expected to know. Almost a second part to Episode 44 – Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Vaginas and Vulvas, this episode tells you all about the layers of your vaginal ecosystem! For example, did you know that:

  • Your vagina’s pH is similar to that of wine?
  • Sperm in your vagina temporarily raises the pH and imbalances the hearty, pathogen-fighting ecosystem you have?
  • The good bacteria that lives in your vagina, called lactobacillis, is the same that is found in yogurt?
  • Your cervix is the lower part of the uterus, and is twice as large as the rest of your uterus when you’re a kid?

All of this information and more in included in this episode… Join me as we dive in deep to the fantastic and functional system that is your vagina and beyond!

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