
Was That an Orgasm?: What They Feel Like! – Episode 63

This episode is all about the orgasm!

If you’re interested in knowing more about the secretive and beloved sensation that we call the orgasm, this is the episode for you!

The clitoris, vulva, and vagina are all important in your sexual sensations, but do you know what an orgasm does to the rest of your body… The muscle spams and feelings of euphoria?

I believe that most women’s orgasms sexist on a clitoral-vaginal continuum. Your heart rate increases, your breathing gets heavier, and you usually make noise!

Have you ever felt like you might pee during sex? If so, “lean into” that feeling… You’re on the right path to orgasm!

Check out the episode for for awesome information!

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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Vaginas and Cervixes – Episode 46

This episode has even more information about vaginas and your nether regions than you ever expected to know. Almost a second part to Episode 44 – Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Vaginas and Vulvas, this episode tells you all about the layers of your vaginal ecosystem! For example, did you know that:

  • Your vagina’s pH is similar to that of wine?
  • Sperm in your vagina temporarily raises the pH and imbalances the hearty, pathogen-fighting ecosystem you have?
  • The good bacteria that lives in your vagina, called lactobacillis, is the same that is found in yogurt?
  • Your cervix is the lower part of the uterus, and is twice as large as the rest of your uterus when you’re a kid?

All of this information and more in included in this episode… Join me as we dive in deep to the fantastic and functional system that is your vagina and beyond!

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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Vaginas and Vulvas! – Episode 44

This episode is one of the most exciting in a while (in my opinion). I spend the entire episode talking about some of your most awesome body parts:

  • mons pubis
  • labia (majora and minora)
  • vulva
  • clitoris

This episode has info all about these body parts… Where they are, what they look like, what their purpose is, and other interesting facts about how they work and make you who you are!

What more can I say…? I advise you to listen to this episode during some naked time, with a mirror in hand, and be sure to check out The Embarrassing Bodies website’s Vulva Gallery to see the wide range of normal and beautiful vulva there truly are! Yay!

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