
Pregnancy Options: What to Do? – Episode 90

Finding yourself pregnant can be a shocking and difficult time, especially if you were not planning the pregnancy.

This episode is meant to, without judgement, give you a brief overview of the many options there are open to you. You can choose to birth the baby or you can choose to terminate the pregnancy. Either choice you make, should be yours!

So, if you’re in need of a reminder of your options, check out this episode to hear a little bit more about some of your possible choices.

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Modern Motherhood Myths – Episode 86

I recently found this fantastic blog post by a writer, life coach, and mother of 4.

She recently wrote this blog post about the 17 Modern Myths That Are Making Motherhood Miserable, and I wanted to share a little bit about these myths with you!

Check out this episode to hear all about it!

Even if you’re not yet a mother, this episode is right for you… t is never too early to get a head start on the awe-inspiring and intense part of life that is mothering!

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Newborn Babies: Weird Facts About Those Creatures That Emerge From Your Uterus – Episode 84

Check out today’s episode for an explanation about some bizarre newborn facts, like:

  • Can babies have boobs?
  • Can babies have periods?
  • What’s up with their bones… Which ones do they have and which ones don’t they have?
  • What is their sense of taste like?
  • How strong is a newborn baby?

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Some Changes in Your Body During Pregnancy – Episode 83

This episode goes back to our primal beginnings and discusses pregnancy and some of the lesser known facts about this time in your life!

You might have hard about some of these shocking and intriguing bodily changes, but did you now why they occur? Listen in to find out!

We’ll talk about:

  • The only organ humans have that they aren’t born with
  • Your increase in blood supply
  • Why your feet might grow an entire shoe size
  • How hard your uterus really does work
  • Why you might be constipated

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Your Sexual History: How Your Parents and Your Family Shape You – Episode 71

This episode is the first in a series about our sexual histories: the scars, triumphs, and memories that we carry with us everyday.

I wanted to start the series off by explaining the purpose of what I’m trying to achieve by talking in detail about all of this, and I also wanted to start us off by looking back (to perhaps our childhood) to think about the deep, heavy ways that parents and family affect our understanding of ourselves, our sexuality, and our sexual beings.

The way your parents did or did not talk to you about sex and the way they (passively, aggressively, or passive aggressively) stated their ideas about sexuality and how you should be approaching the sexual world all still inform your ideas about your sexual and physical self and self worth.

Join me as we spend a lengthier episode discussing some of our “core erotic wounds” and values.

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Why Your Sons Should See You Naked – Episode 51

This Episode discusses an article written by Rita Templeton, called Why I Want My Sons to See Me Naked.

In this article, Rita explains why allowing her four young sons to see her naked is important to her. She talks about how she is glad to be the first female body that they see so that they can growing up knowing how women are really supposed to look (i.e. imperfect and lovely, not airbrushed).

Her thoughts express something that is really important in our world today… Teaching both sons and daughters to respect and admire naked bodies of all varieties, without judgement.

Check out today’s episode for the discussion!

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About Your Woman’s Body: Your Genetically Rich X Chromosome! – Episode 41

This episode is the second in a series focusing on the ins and outs and the biology of women’s bodies, right down to the most basic, cellular level. This episode shares with you much of the fantastic information in chapter two of  Woman: An Intimate Geography – a fabulous and scientific book about what it means to be a woman and/or a female by Natalie Angier. I’ve recently reread this book because it is fantastic! Her second chapter focuses on your genetically dense X chromosome! For example, did you know that:

  • Your X chromosome is one of the largest in the body?
  • It holds thousands more genes than the Y chromosome?
  • Your sons are more genetically similar to you than to their father?

Learn all this and more in this episode, where we check out more about our genes!

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About Your Woman’s Body: Your Perfect Eggs! – Episode 40

This episode is the first in a series focusing on the ins and outs and the biology of women’s bodies, right down to the most basic, cellular level. This episode shares with you much of the fantastic information in chapter one of  Woman: An Intimate Geography – a fabulous and scientific book about what it means to be a woman and/or a female by Natalie Angier. I’ve recently reread this book because it is fantastic! Her first chapter focuses on the eggs in your amazing body. For example, did you know that:

  • You are born with all of the eggs you will ever have?
  • You are supporting the growth of your daughter’s eggs (your potential grandchildren) while she is still inside you?
  • Your eggs are the largest humans cells?
  • Your egg is shaped much like the star of our solar system, the sun?

Learn all this and more in this episode, where we get to the cells of the matter!

Don’t forget that the first O Woman! Podcast contest/drawing continues! To enter simply like the O Woman! Podcast Facebook page and tell someone about the show! Either through emailing a link or talking with a friend about it… This part is on your honor, ya’ll!

Complete these 2 simple tasks and you are automatically entered in the contest! The second winner will be decided on January 1, based on the pool of contestants as of midnight on December 31!

The prize is a $15 gift card to Adam & Eve’s adult store and gift shop. Get your new year started off right with the perfect vibrator, lingerie, or fuzzy handcuffs (whatever you’d like)!

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Sexual Resolutions for the New Year – Episode 39

This episode highlights many sexual, social, and emotional resolutions for the upcoming year that focus on you, your sexuality, and womanhood!

Spend time perfecting the classics, like:

Seek out new and interesting experiences in the new year, like:

This episode gives you tons of great sexual resolution ideas for bringing in 2015 with a bang!

Don’t forget that the first O Woman! Podcast contest/drawing continues! To enter simply like the O Woman! Podcast Facebook page and tell someone about the show! Either through emailing a link or talking with a friend about it… This part is on your honor, ya’ll!

Complete these 2 simple tasks and you are automatically entered in the contest! The second winner will be decided on January 1, based on the pool of contestants as of midnight on December 31!

The prize is a $15 gift card to Adam & Eve’s adult store and gift shop. Get your new year started off right with the perfect vibrator, lingerie, or fuzzy handcuffs (whatever you’d like)!

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The Beginning of Labor: A Natural Birth Perspective (A Double Episode!) – Episode 38

This episode is a fantastic, double episode that has twice the information and interview time!

This episode is the third in a series where I’ve interviewed my friend and mom of a 10-month old, Jen, about her natural birth experience. This series goes even deeper than Natural Childbirth: The Beginning – Episode 7, and is a followup to Creating a Birth Plan: A Natural Birth Perspective and Pregnancy Experiences: A Natural Birth Perspective. This episode highlights her experiences during the first phase of labor (including the contractions, dilating, and how her labor lasted for days!).

Jen visited me with her daughter, Hattie, and we had a lot to discuss about her daughter’s birth! Join us in this episode as we talk about the ins and outs of the first phase of labor, or the latent phase. Our interview is candid, open, and honest! Hattie even adds some of her own thoughts to our conversation!

Be sure to stay tuned for more interviews with Jen, like: what her experiences were during the active phase of labor, her feelings during the moment of her daughter’s birth, and what the first moments after the birth were like.

Don’t forget that the first O Woman! Podcast contest/drawing continues! To enter simply like the O Woman! Podcast Facebook page and tell someone about the show! Either through emailing a link or talking with a friend about it… This part is on your honor, ya’ll!

Complete these 2 simple tasks and you are automatically entered in the contest! The second winner will be decided on January 1, based on the pool of contestants as of midnight on December 31!

The prize is a $15 gift card to Adam & Eve’s adult store and gift shop. Get your new year started off right with the perfect vibrator, lingerie, or fuzzy handcuffs (whatever you’d like)!

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