
Pregnancy Options: What to Do? – Episode 90

Finding yourself pregnant can be a shocking and difficult time, especially if you were not planning the pregnancy.

This episode is meant to, without judgement, give you a brief overview of the many options there are open to you. You can choose to birth the baby or you can choose to terminate the pregnancy. Either choice you make, should be yours!

So, if you’re in need of a reminder of your options, check out this episode to hear a little bit more about some of your possible choices.

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Breast Lumps and Beyond! – Episode 48

This episode tells a personal story about finding a lump in my breast and the procedure and decisions that followed. Not only do I speak about this experience, but I share some interesting facts about breast lumps and the possible things that could be going on inside your boobs. I’m not a medical doctor, of course, but after hearing and reading the thoughts of doctors, I’ve been able to compile some important information here about your breast health and the possibilities.

Whether it’s a cyst, a fibroadenoma, or traumatic fat necrosis (it is much more likely to be one of these instead of cancer), it’s important to know the warning signs, potential causes, and what options you have. Bottom line: do what feels the best for you… Research it, get checked up, and decide which procedures are the best for you!

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