
Pregnancy Options: What to Do? – Episode 90

Finding yourself pregnant can be a shocking and difficult time, especially if you were not planning the pregnancy.

This episode is meant to, without judgement, give you a brief overview of the many options there are open to you. You can choose to birth the baby or you can choose to terminate the pregnancy. Either choice you make, should be yours!

So, if you’re in need of a reminder of your options, check out this episode to hear a little bit more about some of your possible choices.

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Do You Feel Like Having Sex or Not? – Episode 80

This episode looks at the many different factors that affect your decision to have sex. There are two primary components of your decision:

  • Motivations
    • Your energy level
    • How busy you feel
    • How frustrated or stressed you feel
  • Considerations
    • How physically/emotionally satisfying sex will be if you choose to engage
    • Thoughts about time spent having sex vs. doing other things
    • Will you feel guilty if you say no (you shouldn’t!)

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Alcohol and Sex: Pros and Cons – Episode 79

Alcohol and sex are often mixed together, sometimes with great sexual outcomes and sometimes with not-so-great ones!

This episode is for those of you that have ever thought about having a drink or two to loosen up the gears in the bedroom… Or have already tried it!

Join me as I talk about some of the pros:

  • Physical and sexual relaxation
  • Letting go of inhibitions and worries or preoccupations
  • Feeling more sensitive to and excited by touch

And some of the cons:

  • Too much bodily relaxation depresses the system and sometimes makes genitals function “below capacity”
  • You might get too sleepy
  • You are more inclined to make risky sexual choices or to be in situations where others might take advantage of you

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The Pros and Cons of Having Sick Sex – Episode 68

This episode is a brief one that might just apply to you during this time of year.

Having sex when you’re sick… Should you or shouldn’t you? It’s up to you really, but here are some thoughts about the pros and cons of having sex when you’re sick:

  • You might spread it
  • Your healthy partner might not want to hear snot gurgling around in your head while you guys do it!
  • You might feel gross or alternately hot/cold
  • It could be a nice way to say “thank you” to the person who has been nursing you back to health (if this person is your partner)
  • It might give you a chance to be close with them again since usually sick people get avoided even when they live with their lover
  • It could some much-needed exercise!

If you decide that having sex while you’re sick is for right you… Check out this episode for some tips to get yourself in the mood and feeling less monstrous!

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Naked Pictures: The Beauty of the Boudoir Shot – Episode 61

This episode talks all about the reasons why I say “Go for it!” when it comes to posing in the nude or for a boudoir photo shoot! Don’t tell me you’ve never thought about it… You know you have!

The unexpected thing about posing for these photo shoots is that the experience can be empowering for you if you enter into the occasion feeling ready and comfortable! Here are some reason why…

  • You’ve gained/got enough confidence that you can face the photographer in naught but your skin or skivvies (and choosing a photographer your trust or know is key!).
  • Acting sexy for the photo shoot = Feeling sexy = Acting sexy. It’s a big cycle that feeds on itself and leaves you feeling beautiful (with photos to prove it afterwards!).
  • The photos document your body at a specific moment in time (i.e. before a big life/body change like having a baby or growing older).
  • You remind/allow yourself to become the beauty standard in your home… You’re a pin up now, of course!

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My Top 3 Positions for Having Orgasms – Episode 42

Hopefully you’ve already started on some of your sexual resolutions for the New Year… This episode is all about 3 sexual positions that can help you have the orgasms you deserve!

Don’t allow yourself to remain stuck to the myth that you can’t have an orgasm, or that you can’t have them frequently. This is a myth, and therefore incorrect! You can have orgasms, and you can have them on a regular basis!

The key is learning to ask for what you want sexually, and understanding what your body needs and likes the most. You also have to keep in mind that in different sexual relationships, different positions work better than others (even positions that were a sure thing for you in the past). All bodies are different, so when two new bodies collide, there is bound to be a period where both people need to get used to the body and desires of the other person!

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Sexual Resolutions for the New Year – Episode 39

This episode highlights many sexual, social, and emotional resolutions for the upcoming year that focus on you, your sexuality, and womanhood!

Spend time perfecting the classics, like:

Seek out new and interesting experiences in the new year, like:

This episode gives you tons of great sexual resolution ideas for bringing in 2015 with a bang!

Don’t forget that the first O Woman! Podcast contest/drawing continues! To enter simply like the O Woman! Podcast Facebook page and tell someone about the show! Either through emailing a link or talking with a friend about it… This part is on your honor, ya’ll!

Complete these 2 simple tasks and you are automatically entered in the contest! The second winner will be decided on January 1, based on the pool of contestants as of midnight on December 31!

The prize is a $15 gift card to Adam & Eve’s adult store and gift shop. Get your new year started off right with the perfect vibrator, lingerie, or fuzzy handcuffs (whatever you’d like)!

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Which Method of Birth Control is Right For You? – Episode 25

Join me today as I talk about the many different birth control options that are available to you! You have the right to decide what reproductive or contraceptive actions you take with your body, and this episode highlights the facts, details, and pros and cons about the different birth control types. Learn what methods I use, have used, and the method I really regret not having implemented earlier in my life!

Some methods are hormonal and others are not. Some methods are more invasive and some must be implemented every day while others can be used for 12 years without any problems. Certain birth control types might only protect against pregnancy, so you might want to use another, additional one to prevent yourself from getting STDs. Learn all about each option during today’s episode!

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The Value of STD Testing – Episode 21

I am a big supportive of STD/STI testing!

Regardless of your relationship statues or sexual practices, it is most definitely a great idea to be tested for HIV and other STDs. I always get tested with my partner each time I begin a new relationship… You should be able to ask for what you want and your partner should always be willing to undergo this with you!

There are many benefits to being tested (which is cheap or even free!), including knowing for sure about your overall sexual health, getting a better idea about the mutual respect existing in your current relationship, and helping you choose your life partner.

Check out today’s episode for all about STD testing: what the experience is like and more reasons why STD testing is right for you and everyone!

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Choosing a Life Partner: Part Two – Episode 14

Of course many women chose life partners, but do we always think about what traits our potential life partners have before we decide to team up with them for life?

Part 2 of this episode continues the discussion that we began in Part 1… It’s essential to think about what kind of teammate you are choosing for your lifetime adventure and journey… Of course you love them and think that they are beautiful and sexy,but what else should you think about when deciding if the person you’ve picked is the best fit for you?

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