
Recharge Your Life With Sex! – Episode 45

This episode highlights what most of us know but few of us remember on a day-to-day basis… The healing and recharging power of satisfying sex. Sex is, of course, a physical release, but it is so much more than that. Join me in today’s episode as I talk about the layered benefits of sex in your life:

  • Physical benefits: Beyond the sexual release, your body looses tension, sleep is more satisfying, and more!
  • Emotional benefits: Your personal outlook on your life is clearer, you are less fraught with anxiety or stresses, and more!
  • Social/Relationship benefits: Your relationship gets the TLC is deserves, you spend some focused one-on-one time together, and more!
  • Spiritual benefits: You can see (and feel) the grand, animal pattern that we are all subject to, you can acknowledge that we are all part of a shared experience, and more!

This episode reminds you that even when you feel “too tired” or “not in the mood” for sex, perhaps sex is just what you really need!

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