
Holidays, Hibernation, and Rest – Episode 30

This episode a brief reminder to be sure to take the time and let yourself rest and take a break this holiday season. Women usually run the holidays in their households and sometimes resting and relaxing can bring up feelings of guilt. It shouldn’t! Winter is a time for hibernating and digging into the stores. Spring is the time for action and winter is the time for reflection. Naked time with yourself is a great way to slow down and give yourself some quality time, but no matter which way you choose to take a break, your immune system, body, and emotional state will thank you!

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Getting in the Mood Series: Dealing with Distractions – Episode 29

This episode is the first in my Getting in the Mood Series

There are so many things that can distract you from getting in the mood when sexy times begin! Or maybe you’re already in the mood, but something happens that stops the rhythm and the ruins the mood. Although the distractions are many, there are ways to deal with them! Noises, pets, and temperature changes can all affect women when they are focusing on having an orgasm, and this episode highlights some easy things you can do to take charge of keeping the mood alive! Like burps, fart, queefs, and sneezes, sometimes a distraction can be funny even while it interrupts an important moment…

It’s always best to be prepared of you’ve been having trouble getting in the mood lately, so that external distractions and internal ones (like the cleanup from having period sex) doesn’t get you down! Check out this episode to learn more!

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A Woman and Her Names: Meaning and Identity, Part 2 – Episode 28

This episode is Part 2 dealing with this topic, and where Part 1 focuses more on family names, Part 2 looks at nick names and private names that you call yourself or that others call you.

This episode discusses the importance of names, their meaning and power! Not only do the names that you choose for yourself have power and importance in your life, so do the nick names, pet names, and other names that other people choose to call you. Knowing someone’s names gives you a certain connection to them, and knowing the more private or intimate nick names that they have gives you an even deeper understanding.

Women are expected to have many names throughout their lives… What will yours be and what will they mean to you?

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A Woman and Her Names: Meaning and Identity, Part 1 – Episode 27

This episode idea came from my recent adventures in changing my name (I just got married and decided to change my last name… Now I have two of them!). It was an interesting experience, to say the least!

This episode discusses the importance of names, their meaning and power! Not only do the names that you choose for yourself have power and importance in your life, so do the nick names, pet names, and other names that other people choose to call you. Knowing someone’s names gives you a certain connection to them, and knowing the more private or intimate nick names that they have gives you an even deeper understanding.

Women are expected to have many names throughout their lives… What will yours be and what will they mean to you?

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Exercise, Self-Esteem, and Sex: So Move It! – Episode 26

I was inspired to record this episode after the time I spent doing yard work today: leaf raking, wheel-barrow pushing, etc. After I exercise (especially exercise through chore activities), I find that I feel sexier and more in touch with my body (just like after during/after naked time)!

The health benefits of exercise are myriad, including increased self-esteem, immune function, and overall health, but I’ve found that an increased interest in sex is also related to exercise. This episode talks about the intersection of exercise, self-esteem, and sex, and why I always feel so much more in touch with myself after getting up and moving it!

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Which Method of Birth Control is Right For You? – Episode 25

Join me today as I talk about the many different birth control options that are available to you! You have the right to decide what reproductive or contraceptive actions you take with your body, and this episode highlights the facts, details, and pros and cons about the different birth control types. Learn what methods I use, have used, and the method I really regret not having implemented earlier in my life!

Some methods are hormonal and others are not. Some methods are more invasive and some must be implemented every day while others can be used for 12 years without any problems. Certain birth control types might only protect against pregnancy, so you might want to use another, additional one to prevent yourself from getting STDs. Learn all about each option during today’s episode!

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Burps, Farts, Queefs, and Sneezes: Stop and Laugh or Keep On Going? – Episode 24

Have you ever wondered what happens if you sneeze while having sex? Find out in this episode!

This episode is a little bit gross… In a good way! I talk about all of the bodily functions that are bound to show up sometime in your sexual experiences and how funny these situations really can be. Plus, you’ll hear my personal stories about queefing and sneezing during sex… Two of the funniest things ever to happen to me!

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What “Womanhood” Means to Me – Episode 23

This episode is one of my personal favorites so far in O Woman! Podcast history (herstory)! The idea for this episode kind of sprung up on me as I was driving home from work yesterday in my old station wagon. I have a lot of history with this wonderful and clunky wagon, seeing as it was the car I owned when I was 18 through 24 years old. I recently reacquired it from my parents, and during my first day driving it again I was reminded of my young womanhood and how I grew up to become the woman and person I am today.

This episode is close to my heart! In it I talk about what being a woman means to me personally and also my universal ideas about womanhood and humanhood. To me, your womanhood is personal but also universal, and your idea of womanhood should be centered around yourself and the person you want to be, valuing traits that you admire (and that you have!).

Your womanhood is less about personality and physicality and more about a morality that reflects your life and our shared human condition! Your womanhood is framed by your experiences (like learning to ask for what you want, being your naked self, or a natural childbirth experience) and your continually growing wisdom.

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Talking to Your Kids About Sex – Episode 22

Talking to your kids about sex is easier than you think!

It all starts with modeling your behavior for them and teaching them that they deserve to be respected and that they should give respect to others. Also, being open about your sexual experiences (i.e. how old you were, how you felt about sex) is the best way to give advice without feeling bossy. Answering your child’s questions in an age appropriate way and never hiding the actual the biological facts about sex gives your children the understanding they need as they enter into the sexual phase of their lives.

This episodes highlights all of this and more, including my personal experiences and understandings about sex as a kid, and how you really can counteract societal attitudes about women’s sexuality with modeling and openness and give your children the tools they need to ask for what they want in life!

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The Value of STD Testing – Episode 21

I am a big supportive of STD/STI testing!

Regardless of your relationship statues or sexual practices, it is most definitely a great idea to be tested for HIV and other STDs. I always get tested with my partner each time I begin a new relationship… You should be able to ask for what you want and your partner should always be willing to undergo this with you!

There are many benefits to being tested (which is cheap or even free!), including knowing for sure about your overall sexual health, getting a better idea about the mutual respect existing in your current relationship, and helping you choose your life partner.

Check out today’s episode for all about STD testing: what the experience is like and more reasons why STD testing is right for you and everyone!

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