
Talking to Your Kids About Sex – Episode 22

Talking to your kids about sex is easier than you think!

It all starts with modeling your behavior for them and teaching them that they deserve to be respected and that they should give respect to others. Also, being open about your sexual experiences (i.e. how old you were, how you felt about sex) is the best way to give advice without feeling bossy. Answering your child’s questions in an age appropriate way and never hiding the actual the biological facts about sex gives your children the understanding they need as they enter into the sexual phase of their lives.

This episodes highlights all of this and more, including my personal experiences and understandings about sex as a kid, and how you really can counteract societal attitudes about women’s sexuality with modeling and openness and give your children the tools they need to ask for what they want in life!

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Who is O Woman! Meant For? – Episode 17

This episode talks about who the O Woman! Podcast is truly for! You might be surprised to hear about who I hope listens to these many episodes!

My dream is that women and anyone who loves women has an interest in the topics we talk about on the show, since each episode shares the true, raw experiences of myself, similar, and different women. Sharing the private aspects of our lives helps our society get in gear with what we really experience and what we want them to know about our sexuality, our bodies, our births, our thoughts, and our lives!

Check out today’s show for much more information and inspiration!

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