
Getting in the Mood Series: Dealing with Distractions – Episode 29

This episode is the first in my Getting in the Mood Series

There are so many things that can distract you from getting in the mood when sexy times begin! Or maybe you’re already in the mood, but something happens that stops the rhythm and the ruins the mood. Although the distractions are many, there are ways to deal with them! Noises, pets, and temperature changes can all affect women when they are focusing on having an orgasm, and this episode highlights some easy things you can do to take charge of keeping the mood alive! Like burps, fart, queefs, and sneezes, sometimes a distraction can be funny even while it interrupts an important moment…

It’s always best to be prepared of you’ve been having trouble getting in the mood lately, so that external distractions and internal ones (like the cleanup from having period sex) doesn’t get you down! Check out this episode to learn more!

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